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Qing Ming Jie atau yang biasa dikenal dengan Festival Cheng Beng bertujuan untuk mempererat tali silaturahim antar anggota keluarga. Pada hari ini kita saling mengenang dan memuliakan leluhur kita yang telah meninggal dunia, sehingga pada umumnya masyarakat Tionghua akan mengunjungi makam leluhur dan berdoa.
Our New Warehouse in JakartaOur New Warehouse in Jakarta
Kabar Gembira!
Kini Metro Express mempunyai gudang baru di Jakarta, hal ini berkaitan dengan meningkatnya jumlah barang import yang telah dipercayakan oleh customers kepada layanan jasa kami. Terima kasih kepada seluruh customers yang telah mempercayakan pengiriman barangnya menggunakan jasa kami, sehingga kami akan terus berusaha memberikan pelayananan yang terbaik.
Libur Hari Raya NyepiLibur Hari Raya Nyepi
14 Maret 2020 merupakan hari dimana umat Hindu melaksanakan Hari Raya Nyepi. Hari Raya Nyepi merupakan hari raya setiap tahun baru Saka yang jatuh pada tanggal pertama atau kesatu bulan kesepuluh dalam kalender Hindu. Hari Raya Nyepi yang dilakukan bermakna kehidupan yang selalu seimbang dan harmonis sehingga tercipta ketenangan dan kedamaian dalam hidup.
Hari Raya Nyepi akan berlangsung pada 14 Maret 2021
Libur Isra MirajLibur Isra Mi'raj
Isra Mi’raj merupakan bagian kedua dari perjalanan yang dilakukan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW dari Masjidil Haram ke Masjidil Aqsa hingga naik ke Sidratul Muntaha di langit ke tujuh dalam satu malam. Dalam peristiwa inilah ia mendapatkan perintah untuk menunaikan salat lima waktu sehari semalam.
Isra Mi’raj akan berlangsung pada 11 Maret 2021.
Libur Natal  Tahun Baru 2021Libur Natal & Tahun Baru 2021
It doesn't feel like we're at the end of the year. In 2020, a challenging year for all of us because of Covid 19 Pandemic. that we shall pass through the end of the year. Some of us maybe this year has impact our bussiness, but some others launch a new bussiness. So we should be grateful for no matter what season of life we go through, and be ready to welcome 2021 with joy and new spirit!
China National Day  Mid Autum Festival HolidayChina National Day & Mid Autum Festival Holiday
October 1st is a very historical date for the people of the Republic of China. To coincide with October 1 in 1949, it is designated as the day the Republic of China was founded after a civil war that occurred for years. Every year this celebration will be complemented by various festival parades and mass contests.
Info Libur Gudang BangkokInfo Libur Gudang Bangkok
Songkran is a traditional Thai New Year celebration which is celebrated on April 13rd every year. Due to being experiencing a pandemic, the songkran celebration was postponed by the government. To replace the holidays that exist every year when songkran celebrations are transferred by the government to September. So, on 4th -7th September 2020 the Metro Express warehouse in Bangkok will be closed.

Thailand Warehouse Closed: September 4th - 7th, 2020
Reopen : September 8th , 2020
Limited OfferLimited Offer
Especially for those of you who just want to start a business to import Chinese goods or want to have imported products from China for your personal needs. You can now make deliveries using Metro Express services at a more affordable price.

Only starting from IDR 50,000 per kg with a minimum charge of IDR 250,000 per shipment for items less than or equal to 5 kg. If the goods to be sent are more than 5 kg, the cost will be calculated at IDR 50,000 per kg. The estimated delivery of this offer 20-25 days.

For further information, please contact our team via WA!

Happy Shopping :)
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With many years of experience in International forwarding, METRO EXPRESS known as China Specialist Forwarder among importers in Jakarta or other city around Indonesia.

METRO EXPRESS provides you option and flexibility to support you crating an International trading plan that matched you needs.

METRO EXPRESS comes as an import solution and is committed to continuing to be able to provide the best service now and in the future.
Ruko Mangga Dua Square Blok F No.30
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 1, Jakarta Utara 14420
+6221 6231 8708info@metroexpress.co.id0811 9797 200
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