During the Covid-19 Pandemic the economy in Indonesia was quite disrupted. One of the export and import sectors feels the impact like delays in shipping from one country to another. Entering the transition period since June, Metro Express has start normal operations for shipping from several countries. Metro Express can be summarized for the 3 biggest shipping categories in June 2020.
Since the transition period the government still advises people to follow health protocols. One protocol recommended at this time is to use a mask and keep a distance. Minister Terawan also suggested that people use Face Shield if conditions do not allow them to keep their distance from each other. (Excerpt: https://www.jawapos.com/nasional/20/06/2020/menteri-terawan-terb-publishing-health-using-using-face-shield/)
As we know that there are many cellphone accessories imported from abroad and more precisely from China. In June Metro Express also received quite a lot of imports from China for products such as cell phone cases, LCDs, tempered glass, and others.
In Indonesia it is already very familiar with imitation accessories products such as bracelets, necklaces, rings, and others. It turned out that during the pandemic in June, it was not inferior to other products, Metro Express imported quite a lot of imitation accessories.
Another product that Metro Express receives ftom many other types of goods from China, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, and others. Product categories that may be, among others, garments, clothing, spare parts, bicycles, and others.
Contact our marketing team for more information on imports!